I am moving again!!!

My blog that is….I am so not technosavvy and am continuing my search for the best host for me.  I think I may have actually found this time!!! 

Also, Jon is going to blog with me instead of having his own blog!

And lastly we are celebrating the move with a giveaway!!

So check us out at http://ourpilgrimdays.blogspot.com/ where we have already started blogging while still under construction.


(P.S.  My apologies to those who were looking for a big announcement. 😉 )

Blue-striped Jammies


Thankful and Amazed

We are home from a trip to MS.  It occurred to me how thankful I am that Rest Areas are no longer holes in the ground (those trips to Ohio as a kid were gross!!) and gas stations have inside bathrooms.

And I was absolutely amazed when all the kids fell asleep and slept for over an hour at the same time.  That may never happen again!!!

Life on the Wild Side

I am really not an adventuresome person nor do I like to take risks.  I hate to fly.  I hate rollercoasters.  Bridges…shudder.  Today, I got a haircut.  (Trust me these are related.)  Afterwards, I was thinking about how getting my haircut is probably one of the most adventuresome things I do.  I used to always go to the same place and have the same person cut my hair which if you recall constancy is one of my pleasures in life.   She did a great job and was rather predictable, but we moved and life got complicated and I didn’t want the hassle of making appointments (and having to keep them) so I started going to Great Clips.  I never get the same person and I never know how it is going to turn out.  I tell them what I want which is usually “the same only shorter” but it never looks the same twice in a row.  That, my friends, is as daring as I get.  Sad….but true.

A Jack Funny

Jack was supposed to be finding his jammies and getting ready for bed, but he couldn’t find his pj bottoms.  I sent him to get new ones, and he comes back and pulls his pants off to discover that he had been wearing his jammies under his church pants all day.  How did he not notice when he went to the bathroom, I have no idea.

World Traveller

Meet Orange Lantern.  A travelling superhero that travels to Canada and then Peru.


25 things from Losing Knox

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You know you have a big family when…

Target doesn’t have enough different colors in its pharmacy color-coding to accomodate all the members of  your family.

Weather Whiplash

That is my new term for Texas weather.   For example.  Yesterday it was 80 degrees.  This morning we get up adn leace the house at 8:20 to go to coop.  It is high 60’s.  Drive for 15 minutes and get out and it is noticably colder.    Tonight they are callign for wintry mix and a low in the high 20’s.   Tomorrow, cold and rainy.   Thursday it is supposed to be sunny and 68.  This is why we are avid weather watchers.  You never know what you are going to get from day to day without watching the weather.  The kids ask every day, “Shorts or pants? short sleeves or long sleeves? Jacket or not?”    This is why we have weather whiplash.

It was a big day at our house today

I am sure you mind might be thinking of any number of things that might have happened that would make it such a significant day, but I can pretty much guarantee you that you would be wrong.  It doesn’t involve any of the kids, but the dad himself.  He read a book.  Not so remarkable, eh?  He practically reads books for a living.  But this wasn’t just any book; this was a very special book.  We are talking about one of my favorite books of all times; one of our  children was named for the author.   He read AND ENJOYED (did you catch that..I said read AND ENJOYED) Pride and Predjudice.   No more lingering in the doorway pretending NOT to watch the movies any more.  He can own up to it and relax on the couch and watch them with me.  Not only did he ENJOY it, but he was later reading something else and started chuckling about Lady Catherine de Bourgh.  He is also looking forward to reading another Jane Austen book.  Hey, I bet he’ll even blog about it.